R.E.A.L Feels - The Serious Stuff

The Serious Stuff – No, seriously…

Given that this is the first post on this website it may be somewhat confusing to see it titled as it is since it may suggest that this category is being smothered beneath an avalanche of utter nonsense which clearly isn’t the case. Yet. This site will soon be populated with an eye-wateringly large amount of utterly asinine posts that will lead you to seriously contemplate the mental integrity of the general population. And this is the originally intended purpose of this website – to escape not only the mundanity of daily life but also the ever omnipresent sense of looming threat and despair that leads to existential dread and nihilism.

Delve into the inner workings of this mental health-issue-riddled individual

This won’t be all the site is about, however, as I wish to dedicate a portion of the posts here to delve into the inner workings of this particular mental health-issue-riddled individual in the hopes that someone might stumble upon them and find a nugget of information in there that helps them in their own journey to understanding and combatting their demons and doing so, ideally, in a much smaller span of time and without the sizeable amount of fallout that I created through my lack of awareness, understanding and attentiveness over the years.

As will be touched on numerous times over the coming posts in this section, I have struggled for over half of my life with mental health issues and I have failed to properly understand or respect them – I’ve only just now found the comprehension and words to be able to articulate them. There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a significant amount of deep diving still to be done but I’ve confidence in the insights I’ve gained of late and, while it’s all still fresh in mind, want to publish them. In part to hold myself accountable (to myself as well as others) but also to try and help others find their own words.

So I hope you enjoy reading these posts for whatever reason brings you here – be it to gain insight into why I’m so broken and cordon off an appropriate area around me, to understand but one take on the hugely varied and multi-faceted realm of mental health issues, or to see if there might be something here that resonates with you and gives you the tools to help yourself or someone close to you.

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